Cheap flight deals to Las Vegas

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Tips - Flight information for Los Angeles to Las Vegas

Best day to travel
Icludes Wednesday's are 24% lower than peak prices,Sunday's.
Typically, the best days of the week to fly are Tue and Wed. Mid-week flights are cheaper and quieter.

Average RT fare
Domestic round-trip price over a 3 week period on Oafare.
The average price on round-trip flights from Los Angeles to Las Vegas bsed on bookings.

Peak season
Mid May - Thru August
Holiday weeks are subject to high season markups.
Based on searches and travelers destination route to Las Vegas from their locations.

Great class seat price
First class
$240.20 or less. Class rate may vary per carrier.
Our "best deal" for any business class seating per aggregated flight data lower than 30%
Cheap flights direct from LA to Las Vegas
Choose from flight schedules by route or selected popular airlines available on Oafare. Trips from Los Angeles to Las Vegas are direct flights. Prices and availability may be subject to change. Routes, flight numbers are current and departing at specified scheduled times.
Travel Insights & Price Changes
Los Angeles to Las Vegas
Learn more about flight data to cities and country destinations with powered insights on price changes including the best days and times to fly. Get intuitive real-time schedules and what days are cheapest.
Things to know about price changes
Booking Direct Flights + Hotels - From Las Vegas to Los Angeles
MAR - APR 18

Direct Non-Stop Flight + Hotel
3-night Hotel from $299
MAR - APR 18

Round-Trip Flight + Hotel
Weekend Hotel from $172
When you need to go cost effectively
Booking Flights From
Los Angeles to Las Vegas
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Los Angeles, Las Vegas Flight Deals
Passenger airlines in the U.S. scheduling (on-time) performance are based on statistics and facts from the department of transportation (aviation) and Statistica Research Department. Stats provides general information. Oafare assumes no liability for the punctuality percentage rates given being complete or correct. Due to varying update cycles, these statistics can display more up-to-date data than referenced.
Prices on flights are per person unless additional adults or children are added when performing flight searches. Be aware that e-tickets are issued upon completion of purchasing trips. All taxes & fees are included. Fares on plane tickets constantly changes, therefore, prices are not guaranteed.